Education & Training Boards continue partnership with Project FUTSAL

Project FUTSAL is an initiative delivered by Football Association of Ireland and originally funded via the European Regional Development Fund's Inter Reg IVA Ireland Wales programme. The Project aims to up-skill unemployed people to increase their prospects and potential for full time employment and encourage them to further their education. Many Project FUTSAL graduates have managed to start a career in the sports industry as a result of their involvement in the programme. Key partners in the programme are the Education and Training Boards in areas where the hubs are based along with Local Authorities who also play a valuable role in the hub operation.

Applications for 2016-17 project hubs are now open.

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24/2/14***NO REPRO FEE*** FAI score AONTAS award for Project Futsal adult education initiative, pictured are Project Futsal, an education initiative developed by the Football Association of Ireland in partnership with the Welsh Football Trust, is the winner of an AONTAS STAR Award in the nationwide category. The award was given in recognition of the outstanding achievements of the project in helping people who are unemployed to return to education and to gain accredited education in the area of sports and recreation. One of the graduates from Project Futsal is Stephanie Roche, a young woman with a keen interest in football having played for the Irish national women's team and Peamount United. 'Every module was sports related' she said. 'The course gave me great confidence and qualifications to try and get work in the sports sector. I really don't think I would have got this from any other course.' Stephanie is now involved with developing girls football in Dublin 15 and planning to further her education with a Degree in Sports at IT Carlow. Pic:Marc O'Sullivan
Applications open - Lucan hub

Applications are now open for the Project FUTSAL hub for a course starting in July 2016. Click here for details of the course programme. The course is free of charge and participants will receive a training allowance from the Dublin & DunLaoghaire Education & Training Board.